STS V2: Evented or Not?

24 Feb 2015


A friend recently asked me if an example program for the Kestrel-3 will assume an event-driven architecture. Historically, I’ve been opposed to pervasive “evented” software architectures on the basis that they’re difficult to maintain at production scales. In this article, I attempt to outline one possible event-driven architecture for the Kestrel-3 version of the STS operating system. This exploration will hopefully help me better understand evented architectures, while simultaneously explaining how evented systems complect solutions to problems.


I was conversing with Aliaksei Chapyzhenka concerning a common, historically significant program for us both. I got the idea of maybe using this simple program as a more realistic example to illustrate how to write Kestrel-3 software, and Aliaksei asked me if I would make it in an async style. Several ways of writing async software exist: multi-threaded, event-driven (a.k.a., “evented”), and reactive come to mind in contemporary software. However, since I don’t even have a complete BIOS yet, let alone a full operating system, I responded in the negative.

Nonetheless, this got me thinking — since the first OS for the Kestrel-3 will be STS (a single-tasking operating system I first wrote for the Kestrel-2), and it’s inevitable that someone would want to write concurrent programs for it, just what would an event-driven reactor library for STS look like? Would it simplify or complect the process of writing software for it? Also, what would the software for it look like to the casual reader?

In other words, is it worth persuing?

Events: The Simplest Possible Concurrency Method

Let’s assume a microprocessor which presently has nothing to do. You could represent this condition with a busy-wait loop (e.g., for(;;); in C), or more preferably with a halt instruction, which suspends execution until it receives an interrupt.


If we could write the entirety of every application as interrupt handlers, this literally would be the entirety of an event-driven operating system’s kernel. No joke.

Unfortunately, it’s not generally possible to do this. For example, consider the case of reading a line of text from the keyboard into a buffer. What happens when the user presses the ENTER key? Some program has to respond to this event. Exactly which program responds will change as time goes on. A spreadsheet will interpret ENTER very differently than, say, a web browser. Even within a single program, you could be waiting to receive two or more pieces of information, each handled uniquely. Therefore, at some point, software must somehow express, “In the event of a line of text being entered, I’d like to run this code.”

In fact, let’s look at a simple, sequential, so-called “synchronous” program:

extern void input(char *);   // Somehow gets a line of text.

void main(void) {
    char name[80];

    printf("Hello world.  What is your name?  ");
    input(name);    // This blocks until you press ENTER.
    printf("Well, %s, nice to meet you!\n", name);

I list the equivalent code in a hypothetical version of STS that supports asynchronous software through events:

// This routine would be executed in response to the event that
// the user wanted to run this program.
void start_up(Event *e) {
    InputControlBlock *icb;

    printf("Hello world.  What is your name?  ");
    icb = malloc(sizeof(InputControlBlock));
    icb->buffer = malloc(80);   // Name buffer
    icb->length = 0;
    icb->capacity = 80;
    icb->callback = print_name; // when we have a name to print.
    schedule(input, icb);

// This gets executed by the input handler when the user presses ENTER.
// It knows to call here because we specify this routine by name in the
// InputControlBlock structure above.
void print_name(Event *e) {
    InputControlBlock *icb = e->data;
    char *name = icb->buffer;

    printf("Well, %s, nice to meet you!\n", name);

Some new things to notice in this approach:

  1. STS would now consider the user naming a command to execute on the shell an event unto itself. This means that the STS shell could load the module, locate the start_up event handler, and dispatch the event accordingly. (It would do this asynchronously, of course.) Imagine if every Unix command you enter into Bash implicitly had a & appended to it; it’s a real possibility with this architecture, while consuming virtually no additional resources.

  2. All event handlers receive a parameter, a pointer to an Event structure. Through this structure, parameters to handler-specific state may be obtained.

  3. The schedule system call would create an Event structure, and put it at the end of a work queue.

  4. Dispatching the event dequeues the Event structure. After its handler runs, and assuming the event isn’t rescheduled, no further reference to the event can possibly exist. Thus, the event loop itself manages the memory for an Event structure.

  5. The input handler needs to know how to handle when the user presses ENTER. Thus, we configure it with a callback to schedule. This implies that handlers can schedule other handlers as appropriate.

To make this whole thing work, we need to augment our simple kernel above with a real event loop:

typedef struct Event *Event;
struct Event {
    // ...
    void (*callback)(Event *);
    void *data;
    int scheduled;

static Queue work_queue;

void event_loop() {
    Event *e;

    // Since STS would be built as an async OS, the event loop by
    // definition runs forever.
    for(;;) {
        // If we have nothing else to do, let interrupt handlers run the
        // show.
        while(queue_empty(work_queue) && !*quitFlag) {

        // Otherwise, let's try to retire our work as quickly as possible.
        // Interrupt handlers will still function normally as we work.
        while(!queue_empty(work_queue) && !*quitFlag) {
            e = queue_pop(work_queue);
            e->scheduled = 0;
            if(!e->scheduled) free(e);

This simplistic event loop would probably solve a lot of async problems for most programming tasks. Indeed, let’s now take a look at our input handler:

void input(Event *e) {
    InputControlBlock *icb = e->data;
    BYTE v;

    // If we've reached our buffer capacity, we "return" the buffer to
    // its handler.  Note that we do not reschedule input, thus breaking
    // the 'loop'.
    if(icb->length >= icb->capacity) {
        schedule(icb->callback, icb);

    // We assume we can synchronously read the input port quickly enough.
    v = read_port();

    // No byte available; reschedule ourselves.  This also prevents the
    // kernel from disposing of our Event structure, since it'll be reused.
    if(!v) {

    // If the user pressed the ENTER key, we're just as done as if we
    // filled the input buffer.
    if((v == 0x0D) || (v == 0x0A)) {
        schedule(icb->callback, icb);

    // Support backspace.
    if(v == 0x08) {
        if(icb->length > 0) icb->length--;

    // At this point, we have a byte.  Stuff our buffer and return to
    // the event loop again.
    icb->buffer[icb->length] = v;

This code would allow the input loop to handle simple text entry, including the ability to backspace over previously typed characters. It does not support cursor motion, but that’s an implementation detail. With a more sophisticated InputControlBlock, you can support an entire gap-buffer implementation and all the editing features it allows.

I note at this time that we can support multiple invokations of input at the same time. Input multiplexing would have to somehow be handled by read_port, but it’s entirely possible to have several outstanding Events in the kernel’s event loop, each referencing input. From the user’s perspective, this is indistinguishable from (cooperative) multitasking.

Device Drivers

So how do we handle device drivers?

In a classical, threaded operating system, drivers typically (or, perhaps more contemporarily, used to) expose two API entrypoints:

  1. schedule typically takes a request and breaks it down into smaller tasks. The driver then schedules each of these smaller tasks amongst its current work load. For example, a floppy disk driver would take a read request and break it down into a separate seek and one or more individual read-sector tasks. To minimize the amount of time the drive spends seeking a cylinder, it might insert the seeks and sector reads in the middle of its current work-load, particularly if it has outstanding requests for I/O at smaller and larger cylinder numbers. I refer you to the Elevator Algorithm.

  2. interrupt typically examines the state of the driver, retires the current I/O request, pops the driver’s own work queue, and starts the next I/O operation.

Notice anything familiar? When an application’s I/O call eventually lands at schedule, that’s just like invoking STS’ own schedule, albeit with the additional capability of inserting events willy-nilly as needed. When the driver’s own interrupt handlers fire, that’s just like our event loop waiting for interrupts when it otherwise has nothing to do. The classic architecture for a driver matches almost exactly the centralized event queue discussed above!

But, what about drivers that lack interrupt support, such as the KIA (Keyboard Interface Adapter) in the Kestrel-2? You’ll need to poll these devices. Bootstrapping the driver requires initially scheduling the poller manually, where it’ll take care of itself thereafter.

void kia_loop(Event *e) {
    // check to see if the KIA reports a PS/2 keycode here, and respond
    // accordingly.

    // Reschedule so that we keep polling.

In this way, device drivers are, like processes in a microkernel, absolutely no different than ordinary programs. The OS needs to have some means of letting programs rendezvous and communicate requests and such, but that’s beyond the scope of this article.


Consider the Kestrel-2’s KIA device. Without explicit support in the loop, though, there’d be no way to cancel the loop; thus, no way to unload the device driver once it’s no longer used. Since drivers are normal programs, that also means that applications you kick off via the shell also never get unloaded. This results in a memory leak.

Let me better illustrate this effect by showing the definition of print_name from our introductory example above:

// This gets executed by the input handler when the user presses ENTER.
// It knows to call here because we specify this routine by name in the
// schedule() call above.
void print_name(Event *e) {
    InputControlBlock *icb = e->data;
    char *name = icb->buffer;

    printf("Well, %s, nice to meet you!\n", name);

Once the application completes, it just returns to the event loop. However, the module remains loaded, ready for handling additional events in the future. One need only find a way to schedule either its start_up routine or its print_name function. This works great for event handler libraries; it’s what we want. But if we want to retain Unix shell-like semantics for user convenience, we need a way of unloading programs that no longer “run.” This requires we add some kind of expunge event to all applications, libraries, device drivers, etc. And in order for that to work, it also means we need the ability to remove unprocessed events from the event loop based on their association with a particular program.

Thus, we can change our Event structure to keep track of which program it belongs to (we assume schedule enforces the association):

struct Event {
    // ...
    void (*callback)(Event *);
    void *data;
    int scheduled;
    Program *program;

We’d now need to maintain a “current program” reference somewhere in the OS, so that when we call schedule, it can reference the current program for the new Event structure. We can also use it to properly tell the OS that, yes, our program has successfully finished.

void print_name(Event *e) {
    InputControlBlock *icb = e->data;
    char *name = icb->buffer;

    printf("Well, %s, nice to meet you!\n", name);


Of course, for the purposes of launching a new program, we’d also need a system call like schedule, but one which takes the desired Program pointer as a parameter. Indeed, schedule could be implemented in its terms:

// Somewhere in the kernel...
void schedule(void (*callback)(Event *), void *data) {
    schedule_as(callback, data, current_program);

Of course, this requires that we adjust our event loop one more time:

void event_loop() {
    Event *e;

    // Since STS would be built as an async OS, the event loop by
    // definition runs forever.
    for(;;) {
        // If we have nothing else to do, let interrupt handlers run the
        // show.
        while(queue_empty(work_queue) && !*quitFlag) {

        // Otherwise, let's try to retire our work as quickly as possible.
        // Interrupt handlers will still function normally as we work.
        while(!queue_empty(work_queue) && !*quitFlag) {
            e = queue_pop(work_queue);
            e->scheduled = 0;
            current_program = e->program;   // New
            current_program = NULL;         // New
            if(!e->scheduled) free(e);

Asynchronous I/O

STS V1 implemented completely synchronous I/O because it didn’t have enough space for anything else. STS V2 would require the same for bootstrapping purposes, but once booted, new drivers could be loaded that implemented asynchronous I/O.

Synchronous I/O consists, typically, of a blocking open call, followed by a series of blocking reads and writes, followed by a blocking close call. How would these look in a fully asynchronous environment?

Let’s just look at an open call for a moment. The open call does several things: it verifies correct syntax of the filename, it resolves a volume device driver, it issues appropriate device driver requests to scan through a directory, and if and only if all that succeeds, we return a stream control block (SCB), or NULL if not successful.

So at the top-most level, we’d need to use the following program structure to use existing STS V1 open semantics in V2:

void file_opened(Event *e) {
    OpenControlBlock *ocb = e->data;
    SCB *scb = ocb->scb;

    if(scb) {
        // File opened successfully; do something with it.
    } else {
        // File not found.

    // etc...

void do_file_operation(Event *e) {
    OpenControlBlock *ocb;

    // etc...

    schedule(async_open, ocb);
    ocb->callback = file_opened;

    // etc...

I see that we can implement multi-valued “returns” explicitly as one nice advantage of the async model. That is, we can pass more detailed success or failure criteria, without the need for a separate global errno value. Unfortunately, we pay the price by manually managing what amounts to activation records (e.g., OpenControlBlock).

A Hypothetical Program

Here’s a hypothetically complete program for some mythical version of STS V2 employing all async code. As you can imagine, since this version of STS V2 doesn’t exist (yet?), it’s not tested code. But, it should give you a feel of what to expect if you write async code for STS. Let me know what you think – is async worth it, or would you be happy with a DOS-like, single-tasking environment?

#include <magical_sts_header_files_here.h>

void read_header(Event *);
void print_header(Event *);

static ProgramControlBlock *pcb;

// Our start-up code would drop us here first.  This replaces main() in
// traditional C programs.
void start_up(Event *e) {
    OpenControlBlock *ocb;

    pcb = (ProgramControlBlock *)e->data;

    if(pcb->argCount < 2) {
        printf("I need at least one argument, a file to print.\n");
        // Exit with return code 1.
        // pcb->exit would have to call unload() for us.
        pcb->rc = 1;
        schedule(pcb->exit, pcb);

    ocb = malloc(sizeof(OpenControlBlock));
    ocb->filename = pcb->argv[1];
    ocb->callback = read_header;
    schedule(async_open, ocb);

// Once the file opens, control "returns" here.
void read_header(Event *e) {
    OpenControlBlock *ocb = (OpenControlBlock *)e->data;
    SCB *scb = ocb->scb;

    if(scb) {
        rcb = malloc(sizeof(ReadControlBlock));
        rcb->buffer = malloc(101);
        rcb->capacity = 100;
        rcb->scb = scb;
        rcb->callback = print_header;
        schedule(async_read, rcb);
        schedule(async_close, scb);
    } else {
        printf("Failed to open file.\n");
        pcb->rc = 1;
        schedule(pcb->exit, pcb);
    // We don't need the OCB anymore.

// Once the read succeeds, we print the header of the file here.
void print_header(Event *e) {
    ReadControlBlock *rcb = (ReadControlBlock *)e->data;
    rcb->buffer[100] = 0; // force null termination.
    printf("%s\n", rcb->buffer);
    if(rcb->length == rcb->capacity) printf("...etc...\n");

    // We don't need the RCB anymore.

    // Exit the program.
    schedule(pcb->exit, pcb);

Notice that we schedule async_close immediately after async_read. This guarantees that the file referenced by the file’s SCB always closes, regardless of how successful the read actually was. We’re depending on the inherently ordered nature of the STS event queue to ensure that the close happens after the read attempt. However, we cannot guarantee that the close will always run before print_header (that’s an implementation detail).

One problem I see with this example: I can’t think of a reasonable alternative to storing the ProgramControlBlock in anything except a global variable. We could use “program-local storage” (something like the evented equivalent of thread-local storage, I suppose), but that seems inconvenient for illustration purposes.

The frequency of memory allocations and frees concerns me as well. Each control block includes a reference to the next handler(s) to execute; literally, we’re constructing continuations in memory. malloc and free would need startling efficiency in order for async programs to run anywhere near the speed of a synchronous application with normal stack allocation. When you look at environments like Node.js or Twisted, you’ll realize that the use of a higher-level language like Javascript or Python automates this for you. You need to remember to do this yourself if you’re coding in C, Forth, or similar language.


I’ve shown several examples of how adopting an event-driven runtime environment would influence programming for the Kestrel. On the one hand, it offers a lot of support for asynchronous I/O and other concurrency features that one would expect from any cooperative multitasking kernel. However, it comes at a cost: you have to manually create and destroy activation records, and you have to manually thread them to create useful programs. Perhaps with the right systems programming language, much of this drudgery can be abstracted away. Neither C nor Forth will be able to cut it though. Perhaps some Lisp variant?

Let me know what you think. Should I support asynchronous I/O via an evented architecture for STS V2.0?


I’d like to thank Allie Prather, Glyph, and Aliaksei Chapyzhenka for helping to review this article before publication.


Samuel A. Falvo II
Twitter: @SamuelAFalvoII
Google+: +Samuel A. Falvo II

About the Author

Software engineer by day. Amateur computer engineer by night. Founded the Kestrel Computer Project as a proof-of-concept back in 2007, with the Kestrel-1 computer built around the 65816 CPU. Since then, he's evolved the design to use a simple stack-architecture CPU with the Kestrel-2, and is now in the process of refining the design once more with a 64-bit RISC-V compatible engine in the Kestrel-3.

Samuel is or was:

  • a Forth, Oberon, J, and Go enthusiast.
  • an amateur radio operator (KC5TJA/6).
  • an amateur photographer.
  • an intermittent amateur astronomer, astrophotographer.
  • a student of two martial arts (don't worry; he's still rather poor at them, so you're still safe around him. Or not, depending on your point of view).
  • a former semiconductor verification technician for the HIPP-II and HIPP-III line of Hifn, Inc. line-speed compression and encryption VLSI chips.
  • the co-founder of Armored Internet, a small yet well-respected Internet Service Provider in Carlsbad, CA that, sadly, had to close its doors after three years.
  • the author of GCOM, an open-source, Microsoft COM-compatible component runtime environment. I also made a proprietary fork named Andromeda for Amiga, Inc.'s AmigaDE software stack. It eventually influenced AmigaOS 4.0's bizarre "interface" concept for exec libraries. (Please accept my apologies for this architectural blemish; I warned them not to use it in AmigaOS, but they didn't listen.)
  • the former maintainer and contributor to Gophercloud.
  • a contributor to Mimic.

Samuel seeks inspirations in many things, but is particularly moved by those things which moved or enabled him as a child. These include all things Commodore, Amiga, Atari, and all those old Radio-Electronics magazines he used to read as a kid.

Today, he lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his beautiful wife, Steph, and four cats; 13, 6.5, Tabitha, and Panther.