Prototype 2-Pass Assembler Works!

31 Dec 2014

In the previous article, I briefly mentioned problems I ran into while trying to support forward references in my own assembler for the RISC-V architecture. I had mentioned that I threw away the old code because I had coded myself into a corner, and could not figure out where to go from there. Today, I spent some time looking further into the problems of writing a multi-pass assembler (2-pass specifically), since I had the day off. I’m happy to report that I’ve solved my immediate problems with the old assembler design, and am ready to start anew on a home-made RISC-V assembler.

The Original Architecture

The original assembler design relied on a Pratt parser to effect changes to the code and/or data sections directly. Provided symbols were defined before their use, this approach offered elegance and responsiveness. This one-pass approach, of course, had the problem of not supporting forward references to as yet undefined symbols. Thus, it became impossible to write something even as simple as this:

; Map the source string to a set of offsets to add to the string
; to achieve a ROT13 effect.  Assumes fully capitalized input.
; A0 -> input string; A1 -> output vector.
        lb      t0,a0,0
        beq     t0,x0,done      ; BOOM -- forward reference unresolvable
        addi    t1,x0,'N'
        slt     t1,t0,t1        ; t1 = (t0 < 'N')? 1 : 0
        addi    t1,t1,-1        ; t1 = (t0 < 'N')? 0 : -1
        andi    t1,t1,-26       ; t1 = (t0 < 'N')? 0 : -26
        addi    t1,t1,13        ; t1 = (t0 < 'N')? 13 : -13 ;-)
        sb      t1,a1,0
        addi    a0,a0,1
        addi    a1,a1,1
        jal     x0,planRot13
done:   jalr    x0,ra,0


On a whim, I decided to check out how some other multi-pass assemblers worked. I tried looking at nasm and fasm, but these projects are so big I couldn’t even figure out where to start looking for the information I sought. Trying to find information on websites like proved similarly fruitless. While plenty of questions exist on how to implement such an assembler, all the answers provided were vague and generic. Few websites had any kind of specifics; those that did were not applicable to my project for one reason or another (implementation complexity usually being the primary reason).

Finally, I tried for something smaller, like the 6502 microprocessor. I found a great project which, while it didn’t answer my questions directly, nonetheless provided a spark of inspiration for my own assembler. It turns out the 6502 has a 2-pass symbolic assembler that can fit inside of two kilobytes. It’s called 2KSA (PDF).

2KSA, it turns out, translates your assembly code a symbolic representation which happens to match the emitted code size. This lets the assembler manipulate, and even relocate, chunks of code prior to final binary production. Only when the user provides the -ASSEM command does the assembler compile down to the final binary. This second pass happens very quickly and easily, since it’s almost entirely table-driven.

This got me thinking — what if I could employ a similar technique for my own assembling needs? At first I came up with a design similar to Martin Richards’ BCPL compiler. It would translate the source into a parse tree; however, with all the links pointing everywhere, it took up quite a chunk of memory. Even though I have many gigabytes of RAM to play with, I would like to eventually port the assembler to the Kestrel itself, which imposes a 16MB memory limitation with my current hardware, so I strongly desired a more compact representation.

Then it occurred to me, as I worked on the Forth compiler detailed in the previous article: why not use a stack machine interpreter inside the assembler for the second pass? I’m already doing that for the Machine Forth compiler, after all. It’s not hard to get working, and the reduced quantity of structure fields contributes to its smaller representation.

Thus, the code you see in this article was born.

The New Architecture

Out of sheer convenience, I used the Go programming language to write my prototype. Since I want to eventually port the assembler to the Kestrel itself at some point, I’ll probably write any finished assembler in Forth, since Forth ports much more easily than C (and, thus, any languages build via C).

The code examples below will only show the relevant code excerpts. You can find the full source code here.


The assembler only recognizes the DD (Define Double-word) command, which lays down a 64-bit integer to the compiled image. It recognizes decimal and hexadecimal integers (but no strings or character constants), and how to subtract two numbers. It’s just enough to compile the following test code:

            dd  65
            dd  0
    B:      dd  iuart-B
    L:      dd  0
            dd  L
    iuart:  dd  $0F00000000000000

Notice that the command at B has a forward reference to iuart, and it’s used in an expression to boot.

To help the lexer identify the various tokens in the above source listing, it’s really convenient to identify each type of token with a unique identifier. This isn’t just a convenience for parsing; it’s actually very useful during pass 2, for it greatly simplifies handler dispatch.

const (
        TokSpace = iota

        // These are the non-terminal tokens.

I maintain assembler state globally. It’s so much simpler this way. I could have used a structure for this stuff, but it didn’t buy me anything.

insrc and inpt maintain where the lexer points in the current input file. The former holds the entirety of the source file in memory, while the latter merely indexes into it.

var (
        insrc []byte
        inpt int

The assembler stores the pass-1 location counter in loc. I use loc2 for the pass-2 location counter, but separate variables aren’t required. I used them only to compare the results while debugging. In a real assembler, it’s plenty sufficient to reset loc back to 0 and just re-use it.

        loc, loc2 int64

When discovering the value of a label, we need to remember that value in a data structure. I could have used Go’s built-in maps for this purpose, but wasn’t thinking about it at the time. I use, instead, a singly linked list (as I would in Forth or C). Most likely, I probably thought about making it as close to the final form as possible.

type Label struct {
        next    *Label
        name    string
        value   int64

// in var block
        labels *Label

A function named nextToken helps maintain the illusion of a stream of tokens. token holds the current token. We implement a look-ahead of 1 token (to support LL-style parsing) with next.

type T struct {
        kind    int
        text    string
        val     int64
        err     error

// in var block
        token, next *T

While performing pass 1 parsing, we build up a list of instructions for the second pass to execute. p2src holds a list of tokens in RPN format, which serves to direct pass-2 activities.

        p2src []*T

While executing this plan, however, we need a data stack to hold intermediate computations on immediate values.

        stk [NSTK]int64
        sp int

Pass 1

The first pass is, despite the sheer volume of code behind it, moderately simple. We want to assemble all the files on the command-line in the order given into the same project. So, given a command like:

bin/ap file1.asm file2.asm file3.asm

we expect a behavior identical to:

bin/ap a-fictional-file.asm

with the following statements inside a-fictional-file.asm:

include "file1.asm"
include "file2.asm"
include "file3.asm"

The following two functions cooperate to achieve this effect. The assembler invokes p1 first to conduct the first pass. p1 then invokes assembleFile for each filename discovered on the command line. It reads in the source file completely, primes the lexer for the new file, and starts or resumes the assembly pass.

func assembleFile(f string) error {
        var err error

        r, err := os.Open(f)
        if err != nil {
                return err
        defer r.Close()
        insrc, err = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
        if err != nil {
                return err
        inpt = 0
        nextToken()     // prime token stream 
        return assemble()

func p1() (string, error) {
        for _, f := range flag.Args() {
                err := assembleFile(f)
                if err != nil {
                        return f, err
        return "", nil

At this point, we expect only assembler directives and instructions. The assembler thus dispatches control based on the currently available token. If we don’t find a label definition, directive, or instruction token type, we issue an error.

func assemble() error {
        var err error

        for {
                err = nextToken()
                if err != nil {
                if token.kind == TokDD {
                        err = handleDD()
                        if err != nil {
                if token.kind == TokName {
                        err = defineLabel()
                        if err != nil {
                return &E{msg: fmt.Sprintf("Illegal directive '%s'", token.text)};

        if err == io.EOF {
                err = nil

        return err

The handleDD function handles the DD directive at the syntax level. We parse out its expression, which serves as our operand. Please note that by the time this operation completes, we will have already generated the RPN needed to evaluate the expression during pass 2. Thus, we need only record the DD operation in p2src after expression parsing. Since we know the length of each double-word matches eight bytes, we advance our (pass 1) location counter accordingly.

func handleDD() error {
        op := token
        err := p1expr()
        if err != nil {
                return err
        p2src = append(p2src, op)
        loc = loc + 8
        return err

Please note: I wrote a very naive implementation for DD. Elementary enhancements makes handleDD and its DD directive more useful in real-world programming. Let’s suppose we want to store four dwords into our program image. Most assemblers lets you use a comma-delimited list of expressions to accomplish this goal. It’s easy enough to retrofit this behavior into handleDD. Just make sure to record your DD directive after each item in the p2src list. In other words, given the input:

DD 1,2,3,4

we want to record it in p2src as if you typed this instead:

DD 1
DD 2
DD 3
DD 4

We’ll talk about expression parsing below.

For defining new labels, we have defineLabel. We want to make sure we check for the : after the label; otherwise, we run the risk that every misspelled name (be it a legitimate label, directive, or instruction) becomes a newly defined label.

func defineLabel() error {
        name := token.text
        err := nextToken()
        if err != nil {
                return err
        if token.kind == TokColon {
                l := &Label{
                        next: labels,
                        name: name,
                        value: loc,
                labels = l
                fmt.Printf("\t%s: ($%016X)\n",, l.value)
        } else {
                err = &E{msg: fmt.Sprintf("Ambiguous label declaration for '%s'", name)}
        return err

Again, I deliberately wrote a naive implementation. A real assembler would also support = as a token to follow the name, so that the programmer may assign arbitrary expressions. Indeed, this:


and this:

label = *

mean exactly the same thing. Since I’m just checking a proof-of-concept, obviously, I skipped implementing this syntax. However, the reader should see from the code above how to implement this behavior.

I handle expression parsing with a traditional LL(1) parser in this assembler. In a real-world assembler, I would choose to use a Pratt parser instead. (Particularly if I’m coding it in Forth; the Pratt parser architecture meshes nicely with ANSI Forth wordlists.)

You can see how minimal the parser is; it lacks support for negative numbers (however, you can easily compute them using 0-N, for some N), and only supports subtraction. A real assembler would support at least the four arithmetic functions, the seven boolean functions (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, shift left, logical shift right, and arithmetic shift right), and the comparison operators (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=).

func p1term() error {
        err := nextToken()
        if err != nil {
                return err
        p2src = append(p2src, token)
        return nil

func p1expr() error {
        err := p1term()
        if err != nil {
                return err

        if next.kind == TokMinus {
                err = nextToken()
                if err != nil {
                        return err
                op := token

                err := p1expr()
                if err != nil {
                        return err

                p2src = append(p2src, op)
        return nil

So far, I discussed only high level behavior. The code assumes, magically, that tokens exist. The nextToken function, however, performs the dirty work of token management. It maintains the “pipeline” of tokens (implemented by token and next variables) on behalf of its caller. Additionally, if it thinks it parsed a name, it double-checks to make sure it’s not really a keyword first. If it is, it adjusts the token’s classification accordingly.

Token lexing starts by skipping any pending white-space. start records the beginning of the token (if any). The giant if construct attempts to classify the kind of token based on leading character.

Depending on the kind of token it sees, nextToken relies upon any one of a handful of skip functions. The skip function skips over characters in the input buffer as long as some predicate holds. For example, skipNumber will skip characters as long as isDigit yields true. start refers to the start of the token. By the time the appropriate skip function comes back, inpt will point just past the last character of the next token. Thus, all characters between start and inpt comprise the next token (see assignment to next.text below).

Some tokens are only a single character long. These tokens are special-cased. I’m sure there’s a more elegant method of handling them; I just can’t be bothered to find a better solution at this time.

func nextToken() error {
        token = next
        next = &T{}
        start := inpt
        if inpt >= len(insrc) {
                next.kind = TokSpace
                next.err = io.EOF
                return token.err
        } else if isStartOfName(insrc[inpt]) {
                next.kind = TokName
        } else if isDigit(insrc[inpt]) {
                next.val, next.err = strconv.ParseInt(string(insrc[start:inpt]), 10, 64)
                next.kind = TokNumber
        } else if insrc[inpt] == ',' {
                next.kind = TokComma
        } else if insrc[inpt] == ':' {
                next.kind = TokColon
        } else if insrc[inpt] == '-' {
                next.kind = TokMinus
        } else if insrc[inpt] == '$' {
                next.val, next.err = strconv.ParseInt(string(insrc[start+1:inpt]), 16, 64)
                next.kind = TokNumber
        } else {
                next.kind = TokUnknown
                next.err = &E{msg: fmt.Sprintf("Illegal character '%c'", insrc[inpt])}
                return token.err

        next.text = string(insrc[start:inpt])
        if next.kind == TokName {
                needle := strings.ToUpper(next.text)
                for k, v := range keywords {
                        if needle == v {
                                next.kind = k

        if (next.err == nil) && ((inpt - start) < 1) {
                next.err = io.EOF

        return token.err

var (
        keywords = map[int]string {
                TokDD: "DD",

Here are the various skip functions supported:

func skipNumber() {
        for {
                if inpt == len(insrc) {
                if !isDigit(insrc[inpt]) {

func skipHexNumber() {
        for {
                if inpt == len(insrc) {
                if !isHexDigit(insrc[inpt]) {

func skipName() {
        for {
                if inpt == len(insrc) {
                if !isName(insrc[inpt]) {

func skipWS() {
        for {
                if inpt == len(insrc) {
                if insrc[inpt] > 32 {

Finally, our obligatory character classification predicates:

func isLetter(b byte) bool {
        return (('A' <= b) && (b <= 'Z')) || (('a' <= b) && (b <= 'z'));

func isDigit(b byte) bool {
        return ('0' <= b) && (b <= '9')

func isHexDigit(b byte) bool {
        return isDigit(b) || (('A' <= b) && (b <= 'F')) || (('a' <= b) && (b <= 'f'))

func isStartOfName(b byte) bool {
        return isLetter(b) || (b == '_');

func isName(b byte) bool {
        return isLetter(b) || isDigit(b) || (b == '_');

Pass 2

If, as claimed above, we treat the first pass as “moderately simple”, then the second pass counts as “utterly trivial.”

One of the things you might have noticed in the code above is how p2src gets tokens appended to it in response to parsing activity. Also, note that the assembler uses the same p2src for all input files. Thus, when the second pass runs, the assembler already has a complete picture of the program being assembled.

The p2 function implements the stack virtual machine that basically is the second pass. We just iterate over all the instructions accumulated in the first pass, relying on token types to decide which handler functions to invoke. For example, numbers of type TokNumber are handled by pushNumber, etc. See the definition of tasks inside the function. It provides a mapping of token type to handler function.

(See, I told you those token types would come in handy during the second pass!)

That’s …. basically it. :) Don’t say I didn’t warn you: the second pass really is this simple.

func p2() error {
        loc2 = 0
        sp = 0
        tasks := map[int]func(*T)error {
                TokNumber: pushNumber,
                TokName: primLabel,
                TokMinus: subtract,
                TokDD: layD,
        for _, t := range p2src {
                err := tasks[t.kind](t)
                if err != nil {
                        return err
        return nil

Numbers are handled by pushing them onto an assemble-time stack. Note that I omit error checking for brevity, not only here, but in all other handlers. In a real-world assembler, I’d of course handle errors (e.g., if I exceed the stack depth, then I can generate an expression too complex error).

func pushNumber(tok *T) error {
        stk[sp] = tok.val
        return nil

Labels are handled by pushing their value onto the stack. Note that, at this point, all labels should have definitions, thanks to the work performed in pass one. If this isn’t the case, however, we generate an appropriate error. This can happen, for example, if you make a forward reference and just forget to define it later.

func primLabel(tok *T) error {
        l := labels
                if l == nil {
                if == tok.text {
                        stk[sp] = l.value
                        return nil
                l =
        return &E{msg: fmt.Sprintf("Pass 2 error: Undefined symbol %s", tok.text)}

subtract calculates the difference between two on-stack numbers, leaving the result on the stack.

func subtract(_ *T) error {
        stk[sp-1] = stk[sp-1] - stk[sp]
        return nil

layD lays a Double-word in memory. The name is allegorical; in this proof-of-concept, I just print what I would dump into memory on the screen.

func layD(_ *T) error {
        fmt.Printf("%016X  %016X\n", loc2, stk[sp])
        loc2 = loc2 + 8
        return nil

layD shows something unexpectedly important: because we expect all symbols to have definitions at this point, we don’t need to back-patch our assembled image. Thus, we don’t actually need to have our image resident in memory, like you do with a one-pass assembler. We can actually step sequentially through the p2src instruction sequence, and just dump values to an output channel, file, socket, etc. if we wanted. (For the convenience of interactive debugging, though, I’ll probably implement an in-memory buffer anyway.)

That’s it for the second pass. I told you it’d be trivial!

Assembler Main Entry

The main entry point for the assembler follows. It’s pretty straight-forward; dump a banner to the screen, perform the first pass, then the second. If any errors are reported, display them and exit fast.

func main() {
        fmt.Println("I am ap, the 2-pass assembler prototype.")

        token = &T{}
        next = &T{}
        p2src = make([]*T,0)

        f, err := p1()
        if err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("%s:Pass 1:%s\n", f, err.Error())
        err = p2()
        if err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("-:Pass 2:%s\n", err.Error())


I’ve shown a very basic, two-pass assembler (written in Go), easily adjustable for just about any CPU architecture I can think of. You should have no difficulty porting it to other programming languages (e.g., C, Forth, etc.) either, since I deliberately elided the bulk of an assembler’s implementation complexity. Once you get the basic fundamentals down, adding the necessary complexity appropriate for your target CPU becomes a much simpler task. I sure wish I had access to a blog article like this three weeks ago! I’m hoping my experiences and guidance will help others trying to understand how to write their own assemblers.


Samuel A. Falvo II
Twitter: @SamuelAFalvoII
Google+: +Samuel A. Falvo II

About the Author

Software engineer by day. Amateur computer engineer by night. Founded the Kestrel Computer Project as a proof-of-concept back in 2007, with the Kestrel-1 computer built around the 65816 CPU. Since then, he's evolved the design to use a simple stack-architecture CPU with the Kestrel-2, and is now in the process of refining the design once more with a 64-bit RISC-V compatible engine in the Kestrel-3.

Samuel is or was:

  • a Forth, Oberon, J, and Go enthusiast.
  • an amateur radio operator (KC5TJA/6).
  • an amateur photographer.
  • an intermittent amateur astronomer, astrophotographer.
  • a student of two martial arts (don't worry; he's still rather poor at them, so you're still safe around him. Or not, depending on your point of view).
  • a former semiconductor verification technician for the HIPP-II and HIPP-III line of Hifn, Inc. line-speed compression and encryption VLSI chips.
  • the co-founder of Armored Internet, a small yet well-respected Internet Service Provider in Carlsbad, CA that, sadly, had to close its doors after three years.
  • the author of GCOM, an open-source, Microsoft COM-compatible component runtime environment. I also made a proprietary fork named Andromeda for Amiga, Inc.'s AmigaDE software stack. It eventually influenced AmigaOS 4.0's bizarre "interface" concept for exec libraries. (Please accept my apologies for this architectural blemish; I warned them not to use it in AmigaOS, but they didn't listen.)
  • the former maintainer and contributor to Gophercloud.
  • a contributor to Mimic.

Samuel seeks inspirations in many things, but is particularly moved by those things which moved or enabled him as a child. These include all things Commodore, Amiga, Atari, and all those old Radio-Electronics magazines he used to read as a kid.

Today, he lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his beautiful wife, Steph, and four cats; 13, 6.5, Tabitha, and Panther.